Jorge Guerrero

AF293 sporePhD student, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology

Faculty advisor: Nathan Sherer

Jorge is a PhD student in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology from Waukesha, Wisconsin, who came to UW–Madison for graduate school with a SciMed GRS Fellowship in Fall 2019. Jorge joined Nathan Sherer’s lab to study HIV transmission with a focus on how dendritic cells aid or prevent the transmission process. Dendritic cells are one of the first types of cells that HIV encounters when it enters the body through a mucus membrane. He hopes the research will reveal new insights into how HIV transmission occurs.

Jorge said receiving the Advanced Opportunity Fellowship made the decision of which lab to join less stressful.

“I really appreciate the opportunities that this fellowship has provided me in terms of freedom to join a larger number of labs in which funding is critical,” he said. “I believe this funding has helped me get the best opportunity possible.”