Tips for Grads: Community engagement as a graduate student

By Khine Thant Su, PhD Student

As graduate students here at UW–Madison, we are an integral part of the local community. It is important to consider how your research, teaching, and scholarship can impact these communities and the challenges they face. Here are some resources to help you incorporate community engagement in your scholarship.

The Morgridge Center for Public Service offers multiple ways to incorporate Community-Based Research (CBR) and Community-Based Learning (CBL) into your academic work. Through the Morgridge Center, you can also apply for funding to design and implement your own CBR project, or further develop an existing project.

Looking for inspiration from other graduate students doing community-based research? Consider joining the Association of Community-Engaged Scholars (ACES), which supports the community-engaged research and teaching efforts of UW-Madison graduate students from any department.

If you want to receive training on how to practice community-engaged scholarship, consider getting a graduate certificate/doctoral minor in Community-Engaged Scholarship (CES), offered by Civil Society and Community Studies and the Morgridge Center. You will learn about different avenues for CBL and CBR through direct service, advocacy or policy efforts, and how to do community-based participatory research.

Tips for Grads is a professional and academic advice column written by graduate students for graduate students at UW­–Madison. It is published in the student newsletter, GradConnections Weekly.