There are many areas of higher education where you can find a mentor to work closely with – through the courses you take, your department, and even other institutions that house people in your field – but your graduate assistantship is a particularly ideal place.
Tips for Grads
Tips for Grads: Reaching out to potential mentors
Mentorship is an important aspect of success in graduate school, but connecting with a potential mentor can be difficult. It can be intimidating to reach out to someone with a higher status career title or tenure in your desired field. However, there are some general guidelines that Fatimah Williams, PhD, CEO of Beyond the Tenure Track, shared to aid you in crafting a message to a potential mentor.
Tips for Grads: Effective Grant Writing
Are you looking for research or project funding? Grant writing is an important skill for professional and academic development. UW–Madison has many great resources for grant writing!
Tips for Grads: Answering Popular Interview Questions
Preparing to enter the job market in industry entails preparing for job interviews. But how do you prepare for interview questions? We have tips for answering five of the most popular interview questions from Kristina Vack, a career advisor.
Tips for Grads: Integrating Diversity Into Your Curriculum
As a female teaching assistant who often teaches science and agriculture related courses, I do not always see my identity reflected in the authors, scientists and theorists assigned in course syllabi. Many people, including people of color, people who identify as LGBTQI, and people who are disabled, rarely see themselves represented in course materials. Curriculum has the potential to undervalue the perspectives, experiences, and knowledge of those whose voices are not included.