Tips for Grads: How to deal with microaggressions

On NPR Life Kit, psychology professor Kevin Nadal defines microaggressions “as the everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups.”

Dealing with microaggressions as a graduate student requires a multifaceted approach.

Tips for Grads: Every semester needs a plan

Welcome to the third week of the semester! Approaching each semester with a well-thought-out plan can help you maximize productivity and achieve your goals. NCFDD’s workshop “Every Semester Needs a Plan” offers advice for you to plan and thrive in every semester of your graduate school journey.

Tips for Grads: Mindfulness for graduate students

Mindfulness holds significant importance for graduate students as it provides a holistic approach to navigating the challenges and demands of academic life. The graduate journey is often characterized by intense research, deadlines, and the pressure to excel, leading to heightened stress levels. Mindfulness, rooted in the practice of being fully present and aware, offers a range of benefits.