Diversity Training Resources

The Graduate School recognizes that graduate students have specific training needs that are different from other student populations on campus. This page includes curated resources and training opportunities for graduate students.

Fair Play

Fair Play is an online simulation developed by researchers at the School of Medicine and Public Health and the Wisconsin Center for Educational Research to train participants to recognize and respond to racial bias in academia.

UW–Madison Diversity Inventory

The Diversity Inventory (DI) is a centralized, searchable database of diversity programs, events, and services on campus. DI strives to increase awareness of existing resources, enhance coordination of activities among campus partners, and efficiently collect and report diversity-related data.

Social Justice Education Workshops

The Office of Inclusion Education provides workshops and training to students, staff, and faculty on topics exploring racial injustice. You can request a workshop for at least 15 participants three weeks in advance via the website.

Cultural Diversity Awareness Training for Research Mentors

Professors Christine Pfund and Angela Byars-Winston have created a six-hour training to teach research mentors:

  • how cultural beliefs, diversity, world views, and identities influence research mentoring relationships
  • to acknowledge the impact of conscious and unconscious assumptions, privilege, stereotype-threat, and biases on mentoring relationships
  • evidence-based strategies using case studies to reduce and counteract the impact of biases, stereotype threat, and privilege
  • and, to develop a plan to become a more culturally aware mentor

Research mentors who are interested in this training can contact Christine Pfund (christine.pfund@wisc.edu) and Angela Byars-Winston (ambwinst@medicine.wisc.edu), Wisconsin Center for Education Research.

For More Information

Many schools and colleges have additional discipline-specific diversity and inclusion resources. Contact your school and college diversity leader for more information.

For more information, check out the Inclusion Resources from DDEEA.