Marcia (Marcy) J. Carlson
Position title: Associate Dean, Professor of Sociology
Phone: 608-262-0560
221 Bascom Hall

The associate dean’s responsibilities focus on the graduate student experience and the allocation of resources supporting graduate education. As associate dean, Carlson’s focus areas include PhD student funding guarantees, funding allocation methods, and encouraging external fellowship applications. She also serves on the Graduate School leadership team and the Graduate Faculty Executive Committee.
With respect to graduate education, Carlson has mentored numerous doctoral students, served on many dissertation committees, and regularly taught graduate seminars. She served for five years as principal investigator (PI) of CDE’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) T32 training grant in demography, after serving for four years as the UW–Madison Center for Demography and Ecology Associate Director for Training, where she coordinated funding and training for more than 40 PhD students from multiple disciplines. She has also worked with colleagues from five other universities to develop a National Institutes of Health-funded program, called ‘NextGenPop’, focused on bringing scholars from underrepresented backgrounds into population research and graduate education.