About the Graduate School

The University of Wisconsin–Madison Graduate School sets university-wide standards and policies for graduate education, serves a special advocacy and communication role, promotes diversity initiatives, and otherwise augments the margin of excellence.

Welcome to the University of Wisconsin–Madison Graduate School!

William J. Karpus
William Karpus, dean of the Graduate School at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is pictured on Oct. 2, 2024.

Great universities are measured by the vigor of their graduate programs and the integration of those programs in the overall research mission of the institution. The University of Wisconsin–Madison is one of the preeminent institutions in the world with a richly woven history of graduate education and research that prepares the future generations of thought leaders in a wide range of disciplines and contributes to the global economic engine.

The mission of the Graduate School is “to foster excellence in graduate education.” That mission is built on a foundation of advocacy, collaboration, service and engagement. The Graduate School advocates for graduate students and graduate education campus-wide. The fundamental issues of student success, funding, diversity and inclusion, professional development and career outcomes are areas where the Graduate School is a campus leader. Those efforts are undertaken in close collaboration with our partner schools and colleges that include world-renown faculty members conducting cutting edge research, making ground-breaking discoveries and creating new knowledge at a staggering pace. The Graduate School brings its institutional knowledge and experience to bear on those collaborations by providing high quality service to students as they progress through their degree requirements and to graduate programs and faculty advisors by assembling data and analyzing trends that assist in recruiting highly qualified applicants and developing those individuals to become outstanding scholars. Fostering connections among the community of life-long learners at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is an integral function of the Graduate School. This engagement will identify opportunities for current graduate students and introduce them to the full spectrum of career possibilities.

I urge you browse our website and explore our 160+ graduate programs to learn about the amazing research our current graduate students and faculty are conducting. I also urge you to follow the success of our students on , Facebook, and Instagram.

In the coming months I look forward to meeting graduate students, faculty and staff and to learn about campus graduate education concerns and explore new ideas.

Dean William J. Karpus's signature

William J. Karpus
Dean of the Graduate School
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Graduate School Leadership

Jenna Alsteen

Position title: Assistant Dean for Academic Analysis, Planning and Assessment

Email: jenna.alsteen@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-890-2291

211 Bascom Hall

Katie Bourassa

Position title: Associate Director of Admissions

Email: katie.bourassa@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-262-0805

232 Bascom Hall

Marcia (Marcy) J. Carlson

Position title: Associate Dean, Professor of Sociology

Email: carlson@ssc.wisc.edu

Phone: 608-262-0560

221 Bascom Hall

Kipp Cox

Position title: Director of Academic Services

Email: ervin.cox@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-262-2433

217 Bascom Hall

Alissa Ewer

Position title: Assistant Dean, Professional Development and Communication

Email: alissa.ewer@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-262-9970

209 Bascom Hall

Florence Hsia

Position title: Associate Dean, Professor of History of Science

Email: fchsia@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-262-1044

323 Bascom Hall

William J. Karpus

Position title: Dean of the Graduate School, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Email: dean@grad.wisc.edu

Phone: 608-263-1353

217 Bascom Hall

Beth Meyerand

Position title: Associate Dean, Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in the Departments of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

Email: memeyerand@wisc.edu

217 Bascom Hall

Abbey Thompson

Position title: Assistant Dean, Diversity, Inclusion and Funding

Email: abbey.thompson@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-263-5517

229 Bascom Hall