Florence Hsia

Position title: Associate Dean, Professor of History of Science

Email: fchsia@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-262-1044

323 Bascom Hall

Florence Hsia

Hsia is an Associate Dean in the Graduate School, providing advice and input to the Dean of the Graduate School regarding programmatic and graduate education issues. Hsia concurrently serves as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Arts and Humanities in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, providing leadership for arts and humanities and interdisciplinary research across campus.

As Associate Dean, Hsia participates in review considerations for arts and humanities programs and assists with other Graduate School initiatives related to the arts and humanities. Other responsibilities include direct interaction with graduate program leadership in the arts and humanities, serving as a member of the Graduate Faculty Executive Committee, participating in Graduate School leadership meetings, and chairing the arts and humanities component of the annual Graduate Student Support Competition.