“The Delta Program really hammers on the importance of active learning. The cool thing is that the courses and workshops provide a good deal of examples of how to do it.”
Current Position: PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin–Madison
UW–Madison Career: Current PhD Candidate, Agricultural and Applied Economics
Delta Internship Project: Integrating writing assignments in a Principles of Agricultural Economics course
What motivated you to start participating in Delta?
I wanted to become a more effective teacher, communicate better with American undergraduates, and send a credible signal to future employers that I care about teaching quality.
What programming from Delta helped you become a more effective and evidence-based educator?
Learning about and using formative assessment in my teaching may have had the biggest impact on my efficiency. It also made me aware of opportunities to plan ahead and adjust as I go in the future. This awareness has already paid off and will continue to do so in the future.
What did you learn about inclusive teaching practices at Delta?
The Delta program really hammers on the importance of active learning. The cool thing is that the courses and workshops provide a good deal of examples of how to do it. I adapted quite a few of them to use in my teaching.
How did Delta programming shape your work as a mentor and advisor?
I participated in the mentoring workshop. Since I did not have the opportunity to mentor students (in a lab, for example), this training prepared me for questions regarding mentoring and for future advising as a faculty member.
How did going through the Delta Certificate process impact your approach to teaching and learning?
I loved the “Writing Across the Curriculum” (joint with the Writing Center). The course gives several practical ideas for implementing active learning and formative assessment. And it has a positive “side-effect” of improving the communication skills of non-native English speakers like me.
How did Delta help prepare you for the academic job market?
The materials I developed for my teaching portfolio formed the basis of several application materials I used in the job market, including a complete teaching dossier requested for some instructional positions. Also, the knowledge and experiences I accumulated going through the Delta program were instrumental in many interviews.
This alum is open to be contacted for informational interviews. Please email info@delta.wisc.edu if you are interested in connecting.