Integrating creative activities into an honors introductory chemistry course to explore disciplinary core ideas

Description: Work with a chemistry education researcher on improving the scaffolding of creative work in an honors section of an introductory Chemistry course (~80 students). Guest-teach on aspects of science communication and peer review and enact a teaching-as-research proposal on supporting students in exploring how chemistry core ideas are leveraged in modern-day chemistry research.

Semester(s) an intern might contact: Fall
Institution: UW–Madison
Department(s): Chemistry
Intern background needed: Background with introductory chemistry

Course: CHEM 109H, the Honors component of an accelerated introductory chemistry experience for 80 students.
Course time/day (fall 2021): Honors component is Mondays 7 – 8 pm

Challenges a project might address include: Scaffolding student work, evaluation
Potential guest teaching topics/units (weeks 6-10 of the semester): Peer review, how scientific core ideas are leveraged in research

Teaching strategies of interest: Writing-to-teach
Teaching strategies currently used: Connecting to real-world student experiences, active learning, technology-supported learning, incorporating writing, peer mentoring, performance assessments

Contact: Sam Pazicni,