Synthesize and leverage your previous teaching professional development and experiences to prepare for the academic job market. Reflect on what you have learned, practice articulating your teaching and/or mentoring approaches in written and verbal contexts, and build community with peers. Hybrid course mostly meets asynchronously online, with four in-person synchronous class meetings scheduled on Wednesdays 1:20-2:10pm.
Research Mentor Learning Communities (Spring 2025)
Delta’s Research Mentor Learning Communities are for graduate students and postdocs who are mentoring and for whom mentoring may be an important part of their future career. Several sections available, online or in-person.
Human-Centered Teaching with AI
Explore how generative AI tools can be leveraged to create adaptable and evolving learning experiences that resonate with your own personal teaching philosophies, values, and the diverse needs of learners. Mondays 10:30-noon, starting January 27.
Expeditions in Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning
Use experiential learning to explore evidence-based and inclusive teaching approaches within different higher education learning contexts. Learn effective approaches to course design and instruction through foundational concepts and observed practice. Mondays 12:15-2:15pm, starting January 27.
Mindset to Mastery: The Inclusive Teaching Course
Across higher education, there is recognition of the growing need for fostering more inclusive classrooms and learning environments. As educators across diverse disciplines, how can we prioritize diversity, equity, and justice in our pedagogical approaches? What behaviors will help to translate this commitment into action? Learn how to communicate your values and develop practical resources for implementing DEIJ frameworks and teaching strategies within your academic communities. Tuesdays noon-1:30, starting March 5. ΔΔ
STS/CURRIC 733: Public Engagement with Science
What does it mean for science to matter in everyday life? Explore public understanding of science and science literacy through readings drawn from across the humanities and social sciences, with particular attention to the interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies. Wednesdays 1:45-4:15pm, starting January 24. ΔΔ
Chemistry 858: Quantitative Inquiry in Chemistry Education Research
Have you read education research, and you’d like to better understand the quantitative methods that are used to answer questions about student learning? This course offers an introduction to quantitative chemistry education research and the theories that underpin it as we explore the evidence put forward for a particular claim. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:50-9:40am, starting January 23. ΔΔ
Kinesiology 508: Translating Educational Research to Teaching Practice
Explore and develop your own evidence-based teaching practice, informed by research in teaching and learning. You will leave this course with a teaching philosophy statement and a teaching plan that demonstrates how you apply your approach to the college classroom. Mondays 3-5pm, starting January 29. ΔΔ
Using Writing to Teach in Any Discipline
Research has shown that when students write more in a course, they learn course content more effectively and engage more deeply with the material. Learn how to use writing to promote students’ active learning and create a more inclusive learning experience in any disciplinary or course context. Thursdays 2:30-4pm, starting January 23.
Improv to Improve Science Communication and Teaching
Use the principles of improv theater to improve your communication in multiple contexts and audiences, including talking with colleagues, presenting your research, and teaching in the classroom. Tuesdays, 1-3pm starting January 23. Δ