Concurrent Appointments for Fellows/Trainees

Concurrent appointments describes a situation where a graduate student holds multiple appointments as a fellow, trainee, and/or graduate assistant. Federal agencies and non-federal donors often place restrictions on the amount of work in which an awardee may engage, or on additional stipends an awardee may receive. In addition, the university has a concurrent appointment policy that places limits on multiple appointments for fellows or trainees.

Whenever assistantships (RA, TA, or PA) are combined with fellowships or traineeships, total compensation cannot exceed the department’s full-time RA rate that was reported to the Graduate School for the current year (fellowship/traineeship + assistantship = total compensation). The list of approved program rates can be found on the Graduate Assistantships webpage, under “Assistantship stipends by program”.

The concurrent appointment policy for fellows/trainees can be found here in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Policy for Supplementation and Concurrent Appointments for Graduate Students Holding Predoctoral Fellowships or Traineeships.

See Maximum Levels of Appointments