Hands-on learning with UW Makerspace

Description: Offer a workshop or integrate hands-on learning into a course in collaboration with the UW Makerspace. Bring theory into the real world with hands-on design or visualization for virtually any topic in science and engineering. Realize your ideas on either a workshop series you’d like to offer to undergraduates, or a lab you’d like to integrate into a course. The facility offers equipment including 3D printing, 3D scanners, Virtual and Augmented Reality, textiles, robotics, a machine shop, electronics, laser cutters, and more. Content topics are limitless, and might include teaching everything from protein visualization to making a pendulum, electronics, prototype design, and more.

Semester(s): Fall or Spring
Institution: UW–Madison
Department(s): Engineering, Physical Sciences, Natural Sciences
Potential for guest teaching: Yes
Intern background needed: Depends on project content

Course: Several, can be integrated into a course or workshop or workshop series

Challenges a project might address include: Hands-on, real-world learning
Potential Guest Teaching Topics/Units: Many

Teaching strategies of interest: Many

Contact: info@delta.wisc.edu