Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Badgerland: Measure impacts to ensure all girls have access to and achieve benefits

Analyze data from highest awards committee on impact of girls projects and the program as a whole, and design instructional plans. Ask questions from the data to determine whether girls and the committee are meeting objectives and learning goals. Make recommendations to the logistics committee on process changes to program to improve girl outcomes. Project could also include working with communities to develop education resources.

Encourage engaged and deeper learning in an introductory Botany course

Work with an introductory Botany course to encourage conceptual, connected learning. This is an opportunity to work with a large, introductory course and promote deeper learning that connects plant structure, function, and evolution. The teaching plan and materials an intern develops would align learning outcomes, assessments to monitor and provide feedback, and engaging activities which focus on and connect concepts rather than disconnected memorization of facts.

Support student learning in sustainability

Work with a discussion-based engineering course in sustainable building. Your unit might include active learning approaches such as case studies, and would include formative and aligned summative assessments. Example activities include instructor-led discussion guiding students to identify real-world problems related to sustainability, group activities developing potential solutions or assessing existing solutions.