Description: Work with a flipped classroom that uses case studies and active learning. This intern project might involve creating relevant and meaningful assignments, and/or opportunities for students to connect with each other and real-world examples of the content (synchronously and asynchronously).
Semester(s) an intern might contact: Spring
Institution: UW–Madison
Department(s): Pharmacy
Intern background needed: It is very very helpful if the intern is a licensed pharmacist (as many of the HSRP graduate students are). This is important so that they would be able to draw on that background to design activities based in real-world issues and understand and respond to student questions. Completion of pharmacy school is also acceptable although less preferred.
Course: 732-611 Pharmacy Law
Course info: Flipped classroom to use lecture time for discussion (~100-130 students)
Course time/day (spring 2021): Lecture Tuesday and Thursday, 1:20 – 2:10 pm
Challenges a project might address include: Update or create assignments/activities that are more relevant and meaningful to current pharmacy practice; try out different techniques during live sessions. Opportunities to students to connect with each other and relevant real-world cases.
Potential guest teaching topics/units (weeks 6-10 of the semester): Open to discussion
Teaching strategies of interest:
Teaching strategies currently used:
- Connecting my course to real-world student experiences — Discussion boards for students to make connections, use student questions during live sessions
- Incorporating case studies — Used in assignments and live sessions
- Active learning techniques — Used during live sessions
- Technology-supported learning (online homework, blended learning, flipped classroom, videos, cellphones as clickers, etc.) — Flipped classroom, heavily use LMS
- Incorporating reflective or content-based writing assignments efficiently — Just a couple
- Frequent formative assessment to monitor and provide feedback on learning — Weekly quizzes, review answers as a class
Contact: Katherine Rotzenberg,