Description: An internship at Madison College offers experience in a teaching-focused, diverse institution that can directly translate to your future career goals. Areas of interest for this professor’s psychology courses include connecting the content with real-world experiences, integrating active learning, case studies, technology, effective writing assignments, peer-led study groups, inquiry-based activities, and community-based or service learning. Improving the course climate for diverse students is another potential area of interest.
Semester(s): Fall or Spring
Institution: Madison College
Department(s): Psychology
Intern background needed: Psychology or related social science
Courses may include: Cognitive Psychology, Intro Psych, Abnormal Psych, Human Sexuality, Developmental Psych (online only)
Course info: All are 200-level transfer courses
Course time/day: Varies. Spring 2019 example: Cognitive psychology Tuesday and Thursday, 10 – 11:15 am
Potential guest teaching topics/units: Instructor is open to structuring the course so that the topic falls within the desired timeframe of weeks 6-10 and matches the intern’s interests. Ideas might include: Autism, suicide, schizophrenia, diagnosis/assessment (for Abnormal Psych), sexual abuse, sexual orientation, or gender (for Human Sexuality), language (for Cognitive), human development, research methods, or personality psych (for Intro).
Past intern projects with this faculty partner: Projects have involved teaching students how to read primary literature, although many other topics are possible. See Cameron’s project and Madeline’s project.
Contact: Jenna Behm-Lawton,