Jenna Alsteen has joined the Graduate School as Assistant Dean for Academic Analysis, Planning, and Assessment. Alsteen will serve as the Graduate School’s point person on new program planning and development and review of existing programs. She will also lead Graduate School data efforts.
Graduate School Annual Report available
The Graduate School has released its Annual Report 2018-2019, illustrating achievements across the themes of service, diversity, and engagement. The Graduate School, led by Dean William J. Karpus, enrolls 21 percent of the student body …
UW–Madison formalizes graduate assistantship policy, continues investment in graduate assistants
A new policy document provides formal guidance on employment-related matters for graduate student teaching and project assistants and their supervisors. Consistent with university values of shared decision making, the document comes out of a two-year collaborative process involving graduate students, faculty, staff, and administration.
UW–Madison raises TA stipend rates
The University of Wisconsin–Madison is raising the minimum stipend for teaching assistants on campus by almost 9 percent for the upcoming 2019-2020 academic year.
The increase of 8.99 percent brings minimum teaching assistant stipends up to $20,000 for a nine-month, 50 percent appointment, and places UW–Madison at or above the median stipend rate at its public peer institutions. Many departments pay stipends above the minimum rate in order to be competitive in recruiting top graduate students.
Graduate School welcomes two new directors
Two new staff members have joined the Graduate School team, filling positions essential to the Graduate School’s mission to serve students and programs across campus.
Amy Kuether will assume the role of Director of Academic Services Jan. 22 and Scott Carter will join the Graduate School as Fellowship Director Jan. 10.
Florence Hsia joins the Graduate School as associate dean
A new face and a familiar one have joined the leadership team in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education. Cynthia Czajkowski, professor of neuroscience in the School of Medicine and Public Health, has moved from interim to permanent status as the associate vice chancellor for research in the biological sciences. Florence Hsia, professor of history of science, has been appointed the associate vice chancellor for research in the arts and humanities.
Resources regarding “PROSPER” Act proposal, reauthorizing HEA
This message provides information about the Promoting Real Opportunity, Success and Prosperity Through Education Reform (“PROSPER”) Act (H.R. 4508), a reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA), the nation’s main law governing postsecondary education.
Statement on proposed change to federal tax code tuition remission exemption
Dear graduate students, faculty, staff, and deans, By now you have heard in early mockups of H.R. 1 The Tax Cut and Jobs Act, there is language that would eliminate a section of current IRS code …
UW–Madison increases stipend rates for graduate assistants for FY18
by Alissa Ewer On January 25, graduate students received good news from Graduate School Dean William J. Karpus. The university had approved a 3.5 percent increase in the TA-standard and PA stipends. “While we have …