Days/Times: Mondays 12:15-2:15pm, starting January 27
Instructor: Jess Maher
Location: 1125 Nancy Nicholas Hall
Credit: 2 credits (ELPA 662)
Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning: required core course
Course Description
This experiential learning course explores higher education teaching from both a “best practices” perspective as well as application “in the field.” Through a combination of readings/videos, class discussions, and observations, you will explore evidence-based and inclusive teaching approaches. The course structure includes “expeditions” – individualized field trips – to various learning environments, where you will observe how instructors from various disciplines design and implement their teaching practice. We will use an equity lens to reflect on our observations, considering how students are engaged in the learning process and how learning is assessed. Ultimately, this course is meant to help you use evidence – both from the literature and observed practice – to support your own development as an educator at the college level.
Graduate students and postdocs from any discipline are welcome in this course.